Independent Retailer Blog

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Posts by:

Lauren Zahakaylo

Fruittella – Perfetti Van Melle’s Better For You Candy Brand!

Fruittella is a flavorful fruity candy innovation to meet the growing market of millennial families and their children craving tasty Better-For-You sweet indulgence options. It is made with real fruit puree. In fact, that is the first ingredient. You get all you really want from a candy – real fruit puree, colors and flavors from natural sources, peanuts & nut free, and no high-fructose corn syrup.

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Oberto Chicken Snacks

Oberto Specialty Meats continues to explore new recipes and new meats just as their Founder. Constantinio Oberto, did 103 years ago. The brand is exited to continue to grow on their Oberto Chicken product mix. It is not just any chicken; it’s a perfect on-the-go snack that meets our standards of quality and flavor.

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The Gummi with the A on the Tummy™

For over 30 years, Albanese Confectionery has been making the World's Best Gummies and Chocolate located in the heart of the Midwest! We have a simple recipe for success, putting flavor and texture first, always finding a better way, and never taking ourselves too seriously. We are proud to say our gummies have all the trending attributes of Gluten Free, Fat Free, Low Sodium and made in the USA! The Gummi with the A on the tummy™ offers a softer chew that’s bursting with flavor and sour gummies that start sour, and stay sour!

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The Original, Delicious Treat Mom’s & Kid’s Love

Mott’s Applesauce Pouches are the delicious treat that mom’s and kid’s alike love! Moms are starting to shop at convenience stores more and more often with their kids. They are looking for a snack that is healthy for their kids. Mott’s Applesauce Pouches delivers this as they are an excellent source of Vitamin C and is free of cholesterol and sodium. The original is always a favorite for customers but there are a variety of other flavors to choose from:

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Fuel Your Sales with Clif Bar!

Food has the power to do more than fuel us. That is why Clif Bar crafts food that nourishes our bodies. Clif Bar was born on a bike and built with athletes in mind. Today, the company continues to make organic, plant-based energy food that begins with a recipe and the latest nutrition science – and not just for performance. They thoughtfully craft their foods to help energize any moment, big or small.

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Wonderful No Shells Propel Forward

Wonderful® Pistachios has helped propel pistachios to become the biggest and fastest-growing snack nut category in terms of annual retail revenue followed by cashews, mixed nuts, peanuts, and almonds, according to recent Information Resources, Inc. (IRI) 52-week data. The IRI data indicates pistachios experienced a +14% change from the previous year with Wonderful Pistachios alone contributing 96% of that pistachio revenue growth.1

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