High Traffic Merchandising Options from Kellogg’s!

Hey, Look over here! Did you know that sales and profits increase by up to 15 to 20% by placing top selling impulse items in a secondary location?!
Where? High traffic areas, of course! Snacking is on the rise, especially of the salty variety – that’s why you want snacks that are highly impulsive, highly expandable with high profit margins on prominent display throughout your store.
Shoppers go for what they know, and Kellogg’s core brands are your top contenders for permanent secondary displays!
Kellogg’s offers a full menu of eye-catching merchandisers and shippers to set up your point of purchase displays easily and quickly.
From the front door to the coffee bar to the checkout, our rack options boost sales in your high-traffic areas by showcasing your customer’s favorite Kellogg’s brands with convenience in mind, making it easy for your shoppers to grab and go!
The front end of your store demands variety for customer appeal and increased impulse sales, what better place to place an assortment of products to meet multiple occasions and cravings ?
Salty selections are the snack of choice accounting for 59% of the growth in snack sales. As a matter of fact, potato chips and crackers represent 24% of all snacking growth, these combined equals all sweet snack growth making them a must on the front end.
With the cracker/salty category on the rise, it’s clear why sales grew 9 points in stores that placed these items in their end cap displays.
End caps give you the opportunity to Increase assortment, and placement support is available making them an easy choice and a perfect place to feature Kellogg’s favorites.
Our line-up, including Pringles, Cheez it and Keebler crackers are top sellers– making them well worth their salt!
Your shoppers are all about convenience so give ‘em what they want, right where they’ll see it! Front and center, especially at the entrance and check-out, where 100% of your customers go.
With Kellogg’s core brands at the ready, your shoppers won’t miss out on their favorites, and you won’t miss out on profits!